10 nov 12 off kilter

The Bluedot is an unsanctioned trail across municipal lands that is a favorite of dog walkers and winter bikers.  A band of fairies spray paints blue blotches on the trees and maintains it for wind and dead fall.  The bridge that crossed Campbell Creek was made of two long tree trunks that just barely reached more than 30 feet from bank to bank.  Half of the planks that spanned the logs had fallen off.  I didn't dare cross that bridge except in the winter when snow and ice filled in the gaps.

Six weeks ago we walked the Bluedot Trail as Campbell Creek was overtopping its banks after days of rain.  The flooded creek had dislodged the bridge and deposited it along the far bank.  We walked upstream following another foot path to the Old Rondy Trail.  We returned a week later and the water was still high.  At the Old Rondy bridge, the water was less than a foot below its deep steel beams and rushing past the abutments on which they rested.

Today we hiked Bluedot again to see how the creek had changed.  We were surprised to find that the trail fairies had built a new bridge downstream from the old.  The logs bow down from each bank in a sway over the creek.  The planks cover the entire length of bridge.  A biker crossed just after we did.

Thank you to all the folks who care for Anchorage's trails.  The winds and rains have kept you busy this fall.