9 June 2006 Matanuska River

About a dozen people from the Matanuska River Watershed Coalition rafted the Mat River one cool June day from Chickaloon to Palmer. Along the way we viewed old and more recent attempts to control the course of the river. The earlier pioneers tried cars along the banks. The Department of Transportation now uses boulders and riprap where the Glenn Highway runs along the river. We saw homes that are losing the battle with the river, going from river-view to river-front to river-at-the-door. This large glacial river will continue to do what it has done, meander through its valley with its heavy load of glacial silt.

The day started with the promise of clearing and sun but turned progressively colder as we neared Palmer. The upriver wind became stronger and stronger. The oarsmen were pulling hard to move us against the wind and avoid gravel bars. The river becomes increasingly braided after passing through a canyon just upriver from Palmer. We eventually passed under the Old Glenn bridge and scrambled up the bank to the waiting van and trailer.

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