6 November 2006 Prospect Heights

Ours was the only car in the parking lot on Monday evening when we parked at the Prospect Heights trailhead to Chugach State Park. We had thought that someone else would be walking or skiing under the full moon. We had chosen this trailhead so we could quickly get to treeline and be able to look over a large valley to the moon above the mountains on the other side. We climbed along the western rim of the valley, stopping occasionally to try to capture the moon and the scene on camera. The only signs of human life were the planes flying high above to the south on their way to the airport.

The trail ended at the Powerline, the most direct route back to the parking lot. The lights of Anchorage lay below us. A fog was rolling in from the inlet. We quickly descended to the trailhead. Ours was still the only car in the parking lot.

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