17 apr 09 recent past

I've been wondering, "do I exist if I don't Facebook?" Seems like I'm quickly becoming the minority among my peer group by not setting up a Facebook page. A few of us are still clinging to old communications media, like blogs, emails, and the phone. Do we need to set up a club or a support group?

A friend left a phone message yesterday, wondering if we still exist because he hadn't heard from us in a while and my blog hasn't been updated in over a month. My excuse -- a 12 day trip to the Lower 48, returning to too much work, last minute taxes, and a possibly broken septic system.

Paul didn't go to Colorado because a Redoubt eruption caused a cancellation of his flight. This was during the period when over 250 flights had been canceled, and Alaska couldn't put him on another flight for over 4 days. He opted to stay home and fit intake pipes with panty hose and sweep ash from the deck.

While he monitored the Anchorage scene, I skied with my dad and brother in Utah and visited our families and a few friends in Colorado. Here are a few of my favorite photos of my favorite people in Colorado:
Nell makes a beautiful cherry pie.

Dylan is too fast to capture.

I met baby Sam for the first time.

Ryan can be quite the charmer.

Oh, for a city full of bike paths. Dad and I toured 18 miles along creeks and through neighborhood greenbelts. The Diamondback Wildwoods (top photo) is a good town cruiser.

Brother Ron on the Solitude slopes. I followed him almost everywhere, as long as there wasn't a sign cautioning "Danger Cliff Area."

Click here for more photos of the family

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